Unplugging Inequality

By Tonya Carter

Unplugging Inequality

By Tonya Carter

Unplugging Inequality-The Power of Our Digital World

Do you understand the impact your digital footprint creates with every search you make? What would you do if I told you that you hold the power to improving equality in America by actively participating in the positive influence on our community algorithms?

For hundreds of years the impact of inequality has been purposefully moving slowly throughout America, increasingly causing irrevocable damage in every community. We’ve known for a long time that it was creating great division and pain, but historically some periods of time may have lacked the sophistication to permanently disconnect from it, but that is not the case today. We have at our finger tips the ability to understand, crack through and address some our biggest challenges as a result of inequality, but disproportionately we have not all tried to do so. The fact that we have varying views on inequality, discrimination or disparities has helped it exist longer than it needed to. Maybe, it started out innocently as part of a necessary belief system and structure that worked for everyone, but as it exists today, it represents our inability to truly embrace the evolution of knowledge, intersectionality and even the equitable value of everyone’s presence.

Every now and again you see Humanity attempt to manage it ,with rules and regulations, expectations, and considerations. However, it always manages to find its way out of the new and improved bottle or technical cage people create to contain it. Unfortunately, Inequality gains strength every time we underestimate its power, contribution or simply ignore its existence. Instead of it being a simple antiquated hierarchy system that is useless and outdated, it multiplies into large issues like sexism, ageism, judgement around how people choose to live their lives and of course the ugly word….racism. But we can’t forget it also shows up subtly in the form of privilege, preference, and inaction.
Be Part of The Community in Movement

As it stands today, no one person is the single creator of inequality’s continuation, but many are coconspirators and contributors to its growth and directional path of destruction. It’s the part of the pandemic we actually have to try and solve if we really want to stay ahead of the next storm that will be of our own creation. And yes, the resolution is not a quick fix or more discussions of who is in power or political separation. The solution involves actively engaging in improving and maybe reforming many of our most dysfunctional systems that include employment, healthcare, education and now, our digital pathway of communication.